
Remove Unused Media From WordPress

Remove Unused Media From WordPress Remove Unused Media From WordPress Clean your Media Library from the media which aren’t used in any of your posts, gallery and so on. It features an internal trash, moving the files in there temporarily for you to make sure the files aren’t actually in used; once checked, you can trash them permanently. Before using this plugin, make sure you have a proper backup of your files and database. This is the most important step on the usage of this plugin as you can’t trust any file deletion tools. The Pro version of this plugin brings also scanning to the /uploads folder and will detect which files aren’t registered in the Media Library, not used in your content and so on. Retina images are also detected and supported, shortcodes, HTML in sidebars and of course your posts, pages and all post types. Read More From My Site:  [TopAdd] Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress Launch Taskbar Programs With Keyboard How To Downgrade WordPress To A

How To Block Ad Blocker Extension In Browser

How To Block Ad Blocker Extension In Browser Block Ad Blocker Extension Google offers advertisements which appear in search & websites through the Display Network and Google’s AdSense program. When visitor are click on that ads (your ads) you get the CTR amount in your Absence Account. Millions users are installed Ad Blocker extension in browser. [mygoogleadd1] Ad blocker extension is block your ads appearing in your site, so you revenue go down day to day because nobody can see your ads. So, today i am write this post how to block Ad Blocker Extension. Read this tutorial at the bottom. Read More From My Site Social Locker Premium Plugin Britney Spare Instagram Account Hacked Download Yoast SEO Premium Plugin How To Downgrade WordPress Version To A Previous Version First you need to download & install given bellow plugin. Read how to install WordPress Plugin [mygoogleadd1] [sociallocker] Download Link  [/sociallocker] [caption id="attachment_4170" align=

What Is WordPress Plugin Full Explain?

What Is WordPress Plugin Full Explain? "What Is WordPress Plugin" Plugins are packages of code that extend the core functionality of WordPress. WordPress plugins are made up of PHP code and other assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. By making your own plugin you are extending WordPress, i.e. building additional functionality on top of what WordPress already offers. For example, you could write a plugin that displays links to the ten most recent posts on your site. Or, using WordPress’ custom post types, you could write a plugin that creates a full-featured support ticketing system with email notifications, custom ticket statuses, and a client-facing portal. The possibilities are endless ! READ MORE IN MY SITE Downgrade WordPress Version Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Most WordPress plugins are composed of many files, but a plugin really only needs one main file with a specifically formatted DocBlock in the header. Hello Dolly , one of the first plugins, is only 82

How To Downgrade WordPress To A Previous Version

Downgrade WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system  (or CMS ) in existence today. Read More: Download Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Social Locker Premium Plugin Remove WordPress Memory Problem Launch Taskbar Programs With Keyboard Ok Let's Start First Download and Install the given bellow Plugin (Read How To Install Plugin) [sociallocker] Download Link [/sociallocker] [caption id="attachment_4104" align="aligncenter" width="300"] How To Downgrade WordPress Version Easy[/caption] Go to Settings > WP Downgrade put the WordPress Target Version (for example   Find WordPress Target Version Click on Save Button (finally you are ready for downgrading) [caption id="attachment_4109" align="aligncenter" width="300"] How To Downgrade WordPress Version Easy Way[/caption] Go

Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress

Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress Social Locker Premium Plugin for WordPress  – Do you continue to place social buttons on every page of your website, but visitors don't like share your content as often as you would want? You should give people a reason why they need to click on social buttons on your website. Even if people really like your content, website or fan page, they don?t click the buttons because they don?t worry about you, your benefits or your traffic. Read More From My Site What is SEO? Why SEO Important? Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection Remove WordPress Memory Exhausted Error People need something extra to spark their interests and drive them to action. Ask people to pay with a Like/Tweet/+1 to get access to your content, to get a discount, to download, to read an ending of your article, to watch a video or to view a funny picture. And social buttons will start to work as it should be! Social Lock

What Is SEO Why SEO Important

What Is SEO ? Why SEO Important ? What Is SEO ? SEO is short for search engine optimization or search engine optimizer. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Read More 5 Hidden Games in Google DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection How To Convert Text File To Audio File Why SEO Important ? SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. Note From Admin: We need a 20 Author for this website, who have previously write a for any WordPress or blogger blog & have a knowledge of how to write post in blog, we pay to every Author. We pay 60 Rupees for every 20 post. If you are interested in writing a posts for this site so please send a mail to

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress Yoast SEO Premium Plugin (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast) is the most complete & powerful WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for users. It incorporates everything from a snippet editor and real-time page analysis functionality that helps you optimize your pages content, images titles, meta descriptions and more ato XML sitemaps , and loads of optimization options in between.  Possibly even more important, buying Yoast SEO Premium Plugin (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast Premium) gives you access to our support team. Read Remove WordPress Memory Size Exhausted Error (php Memory Limit) Home Villas Real Estate WordPress Theme Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Features Post titles and meta descriptions Robots meta configuration Canonical Breadcrumbs Primary category Permalink cleanup XML sitemaps RSS enhancements Edit your robots.txt and .htaccess Clean up head section A redir