Rules Of Blog

Rules Of Blog

Rules Of Blog Here’s something about people who are good at something(as defined by certain criteria): they usually have no idea what they did to become good, or if they have certain ideas, they suck at explaining them.

Because most of the stuff that made them successful is what they’d describe as “common sense.” Meaning that they’re less inclined to share those ideas with the world for fear of insulting others(if it’s common sense, everyone should know about it and apply it, right?)

So here goes my list of common sense rules:

1. Persistence

It’s all about one’s mental capacity to do it and do it and do it, over and over again, until the job gets done.

It’s about facing defeat and failure and keep coming back for more.

2. Engagement

A blog is not a diary. It’s not all about you, you, you.

The content has to be engaging. People want either entertainment or information. If your posts provide neither, it’s not going to convince folks to subscribe.

Also, you’ve got to respond to folks who take the time to comment. Engagement as a means to build a community around your little space on the web.

3. Predictability

Say what?

Yeah. People like to know when to expect posts from you, what kind of posts, stuff like that.

Maybe you’ve got a Throwback Thursday that’s popular, or some other series. Imagine if you stopped doing that. People wouldn’t like it, because they were visiting your blog to read a new post in the series every week.

Making people to look forward to something is one of the most profitable things you could do.

4. Consistence

This one goes hand in hand with the previous rules.

You don’t have to blog daily, but you have to show up.

That’s the basic rule of success in any area of life. Showing up. For work, for your loved ones, for the gym, for your friends…

5. Break some rules.

Even I don’t follow all these rules. Which I know I should.

So, yeah, don’t be afraid to break some rules once in a while, just to see what happens.


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