How to Hide Drives In Windows Using Command Prompt

How to Hide Drives In Windows Using Command Prompt. Our personal computer  may contain secret data. Often we may have to pass our laptop or PC to other people. So, we might have to hide those files from seeing them. Everyone know how to hide folders, but what if an entire drive has secret data. its not possible to hide each and every folder, or some times the guest may doubt us for not seeing contents from a fully used drive. So, hiding drives is a good idea. Like many other stuff which we cant using regular options or software, we are doing this by command prompt.


  • This tricks Only for Windows users. Works on Windows versions 7/8/10

  • The pictures shown in the tutorial are the screenshots from windows 8.1

How to Hide A Drive

  1. Open Command Prompt. Different windows versions will have different methods for that. Simply search for 'cmd' in the start search.

[caption id="attachment_3733" align="aligncenter" width="344"] Opening CMD - hide drives in windows[/caption]

2.Type 'Diskpart' in the coming CMD

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[caption id="attachment_3734" align="aligncenter" width="608"] Type Diskpart - hide drives in windows[/caption]

Now, another command prompt window will open. Drives in your computer will be shown in that command prompt window and you can see that in the first 2 columns, each drive has its assigned letters and volume numbers. E.g. D: drive have the volume number 0 and E: has 4

[caption id="attachment_3736" align="aligncenter" width="608"] Diskpart Screen - hide drives in windows[/caption]

3. Suppose we have to hide the Drive E:  see,

[caption id="attachment_3740" align="aligncenter" width="612"] Confirm the Drive Letter to be Hidden - hide drives in windows[/caption]

4. Now, come to the CMD and select the drive from the Diskpart List, by using the command 'select volume e' or 'select volume 4'

[caption id="attachment_3742" align="aligncenter" width="290"] command for selecting the drive - hide drives in windows[/caption]

our drive is selected. Lets hide the selected drive now.

[caption id="attachment_3744" align="aligncenter" width="513"] command for hiding the drive - hide drives in windows[/caption]

5. For hiding the drive E: type 'remove letter e'. Then You can see an acknowledgment showing the the drive is hidden. to check, go to my computer and check whether the drive is present or not.

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[caption id="attachment_3746" align="aligncenter" width="602"] check whether the drive is hidden - hide drives in windows[/caption]

Bingooo..As you can see our Drive is Hidden Now.

How to Show the Hidden Drive

6. Repeat the steps 1,2,3,4,5 until you selects the hidden drive. After selecting the drive, to show it back whenever we need, simply type 'assign letter e'

[caption id="attachment_3750" align="aligncenter" width="587"] Command for showing the hidden drive - hide drives in windows[/caption]

Yes!Your Hidden Drive is shown Now.

Confirm it by going my computer.

[caption id="attachment_3752" align="aligncenter" width="603"] confirm the hidden drive is shown now. - hide drives in windows[/caption]


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