How To View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress

How To View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress

View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress With the addition of email subscriptions in Jetpack plugin, one common question is: is it possible to view your list of subscribers? The good news: you can. The bad news: it’s disturbingly hard to find.

Unless you posess psychic powers, or you are one of the programmers who worked on this, you’re unlikely to find it.  We’ll work on making this simpler in the future, but for now, here’s what you do:


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  1. Go to your Dashboard

  2. Click on Site Stats

  3. Scroll all the way down

  4. On the left, you’ll see a section labeled Subscriptions

[caption id="attachment_677" align="alignnone" width="532"]View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress[/caption]

If you click on the link labeled blog followers, you’ll see a list of all of the email address of people who have subscribed to your blog.

Again, we’re sorry this is so hard to find, and we expect to simplify this in the future. I could explain why this happened, but that rarely satisfies anyone, so I won’t.

Ok. If you really want to know, I can share one important fact. At the time we released Jetpack 1.2, was moving away from use of the term subscriber, in favor of the term follower. If we followed along (ha ha), we’d annoy people by using a new term. But if we didn’t, we’d annoy people by using an old term. Either way we’d annoy some percentage of our users. We went with the later approach, We also knew that when 1.2 released, we’d likely get questions about what’s going on, and need to write a post like the one you are reading, explaining why there were some strange design choices in how subscriptions worked in Jetpack.

In the short term, this post should help clarify things. In the long term, we’ll consider paving over this UI pothole with pure Jetpack goodness. Thanks for reading, and jetpacking.


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