Indian Hacker Hacked Pakistani Website For His Girl Friend

Indian Hacker Hacked Pakistani Website For His Girl Friend

Hackers usually take over a site to promote their agenda or for personal gain. However, this recent hack was done purely out of “love.”

The Islamic University of Bahawalpur had its website hacked by an Indian hacker recently on june 2nd. The page has been defaced with an elaborate love letter.

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The browser tab displays the message:

"Hacked by ~vicky~for his love[blue idiot] just hacked into this website for you..we are united indian hackers"

Vicky or Vikrant has supposedly hacked the site to profess his love for his girlfriend as evident from his message (screenshot below).

[caption id="attachment_3451" align="aligncenter" width="700"] site deface page[/caption]

He didn’t mention the girl’s name or why he hacked a site to do that. He did however leave a message for the site owner at the end as well.

"Sorry website owner for getting pwned and thanks to mr.404 not found"

“Devil’s Cafe”

 At the end of the hacker’s message there is a site link “” which leads to a shady looking blog on “Informational Security” and “SEO & Blogging”.

The message on the about page reads:

"…it is more likely that people often mistake my site to be that promotes Hacking. But in reality, our goal is to prevent hacking. We believe that unless you know how to hack (ethically), you cannot defend yourself from malicious hack attacks."

It’s probable that the site owner is Vikrant himself and he has hacked the Islamia University of Bahwalpur’s site. However, nothing is confirmed for sure.



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