
Showing posts from June, 2017

Remove Unused Media From WordPress

Remove Unused Media From WordPress Remove Unused Media From WordPress Clean your Media Library from the media which aren’t used in any of your posts, gallery and so on. It features an internal trash, moving the files in there temporarily for you to make sure the files aren’t actually in used; once checked, you can trash them permanently. Before using this plugin, make sure you have a proper backup of your files and database. This is the most important step on the usage of this plugin as you can’t trust any file deletion tools. The Pro version of this plugin brings also scanning to the /uploads folder and will detect which files aren’t registered in the Media Library, not used in your content and so on. Retina images are also detected and supported, shortcodes, HTML in sidebars and of course your posts, pages and all post types. Read More From My Site:  [TopAdd] Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress Launch Taskbar Programs With Keyboard How To Downgrade WordPress To A

How To Block Ad Blocker Extension In Browser

How To Block Ad Blocker Extension In Browser Block Ad Blocker Extension Google offers advertisements which appear in search & websites through the Display Network and Google’s AdSense program. When visitor are click on that ads (your ads) you get the CTR amount in your Absence Account. Millions users are installed Ad Blocker extension in browser. [mygoogleadd1] Ad blocker extension is block your ads appearing in your site, so you revenue go down day to day because nobody can see your ads. So, today i am write this post how to block Ad Blocker Extension. Read this tutorial at the bottom. Read More From My Site Social Locker Premium Plugin Britney Spare Instagram Account Hacked Download Yoast SEO Premium Plugin How To Downgrade WordPress Version To A Previous Version First you need to download & install given bellow plugin. Read how to install WordPress Plugin [mygoogleadd1] [sociallocker] Download Link  [/sociallocker] [caption id="attachment_4170" align=

What Is WordPress Plugin Full Explain?

What Is WordPress Plugin Full Explain? "What Is WordPress Plugin" Plugins are packages of code that extend the core functionality of WordPress. WordPress plugins are made up of PHP code and other assets such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. By making your own plugin you are extending WordPress, i.e. building additional functionality on top of what WordPress already offers. For example, you could write a plugin that displays links to the ten most recent posts on your site. Or, using WordPress’ custom post types, you could write a plugin that creates a full-featured support ticketing system with email notifications, custom ticket statuses, and a client-facing portal. The possibilities are endless ! READ MORE IN MY SITE Downgrade WordPress Version Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Most WordPress plugins are composed of many files, but a plugin really only needs one main file with a specifically formatted DocBlock in the header. Hello Dolly , one of the first plugins, is only 82

How To Downgrade WordPress To A Previous Version

Downgrade WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it's probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system  (or CMS ) in existence today. Read More: Download Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Social Locker Premium Plugin Remove WordPress Memory Problem Launch Taskbar Programs With Keyboard Ok Let's Start First Download and Install the given bellow Plugin (Read How To Install Plugin) [sociallocker] Download Link [/sociallocker] [caption id="attachment_4104" align="aligncenter" width="300"] How To Downgrade WordPress Version Easy[/caption] Go to Settings > WP Downgrade put the WordPress Target Version (for example   Find WordPress Target Version Click on Save Button (finally you are ready for downgrading) [caption id="attachment_4109" align="aligncenter" width="300"] How To Downgrade WordPress Version Easy Way[/caption] Go

Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress

Social Locker Premium Plugin For WordPress Social Locker Premium Plugin for WordPress  – Do you continue to place social buttons on every page of your website, but visitors don't like share your content as often as you would want? You should give people a reason why they need to click on social buttons on your website. Even if people really like your content, website or fan page, they don?t click the buttons because they don?t worry about you, your benefits or your traffic. Read More From My Site What is SEO? Why SEO Important? Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection Remove WordPress Memory Exhausted Error People need something extra to spark their interests and drive them to action. Ask people to pay with a Like/Tweet/+1 to get access to your content, to get a discount, to download, to read an ending of your article, to watch a video or to view a funny picture. And social buttons will start to work as it should be! Social Lock

What Is SEO Why SEO Important

What Is SEO ? Why SEO Important ? What Is SEO ? SEO is short for search engine optimization or search engine optimizer. Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Read More 5 Hidden Games in Google DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection How To Convert Text File To Audio File Why SEO Important ? SEO helps to ensure that a site is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found by the search engine. Note From Admin: We need a 20 Author for this website, who have previously write a for any WordPress or blogger blog & have a knowledge of how to write post in blog, we pay to every Author. We pay 60 Rupees for every 20 post. If you are interested in writing a posts for this site so please send a mail to

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress

Yoast SEO Premium Plugin For WordPress Yoast SEO Premium Plugin (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast) is the most complete & powerful WordPress SEO plugin that exists today for users. It incorporates everything from a snippet editor and real-time page analysis functionality that helps you optimize your pages content, images titles, meta descriptions and more ato XML sitemaps , and loads of optimization options in between.  Possibly even more important, buying Yoast SEO Premium Plugin (formerly known as WordPress SEO by Yoast Premium) gives you access to our support team. Read Remove WordPress Memory Size Exhausted Error (php Memory Limit) Home Villas Real Estate WordPress Theme Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Features Post titles and meta descriptions Robots meta configuration Canonical Breadcrumbs Primary category Permalink cleanup XML sitemaps RSS enhancements Edit your robots.txt and .htaccess Clean up head section A redir

How to Hide Drives In Windows Using Command Prompt

How to Hide Drives In Windows Using Command Prompt . Our personal computer  may contain secret data. Often we may have to pass our laptop or PC to other people. So, we might have to hide those files from seeing them. Everyone know how to hide folders, but what if an entire drive has secret data. its not possible to hide each and every folder, or some times the guest may doubt us for not seeing contents from a fully used drive. So, hiding drives is a good idea. Like many other stuff which we cant using regular options or software, we are doing this by command prompt. Note: This tricks Only for Windows users. Works on Windows versions 7/8/10 The pictures shown in the tutorial are the screenshots from windows 8.1 How to Hide A Drive Open Command Prompt. Different windows versions will have different methods for that. Simply search for 'cmd' in the start search. [caption id="attachment_3733" align="aligncenter" width="344"] Opening CMD - hide

How To View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress

How To View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress View Your Email Subscribers In WordPress With the addition of email subscriptions in Jetpack plugin, one common question is: is it possible to view your list of subscribers? The good news: you can. The bad news: it’s disturbingly hard to find. Unless you posess psychic powers, or you are one of the programmers who worked on this, you’re unlikely to find it.  We’ll work on making this simpler in the future, but for now, here’s what you do: Read: DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection How to Hack Gmail Account Using Phishing DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection Note From Admin: We need a 20 Author for this website, who have previously write a for any WordPress or blogger blog & have a knowledge of how to write post in blog, we pay to every Author. We pay 60 Rupees for every 20 post. If you are interested in writing a posts for this site so please send a mail to or send a message "Author"

DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection

DroidSQLi Hack Website Using SQL Injection How to hack website using automated SQL injection in Android phone. If you know We know 70% website hacked by using DroidSQLi (SQL injection). SQL Injection are two types: Read  Top Indian Hackers You Should Know [caption id="attachment_3688" align="aligncenter" width="1600"] Hack Website Using SQL Injection[/caption] Note From Admin: We need a 20 Author for this website, who have previously write a for any WordPress or blogger blog & have a knowledge of how to write post in blog, we pay to every Author. We pay 60 Rupees for every 20 post. If you are interested in writing a posts for this site so please send a mail to or send a message " Author " >space " Your Name " space " Email ID " to 8505977702 or you can call for any query. Automated SQL injection Manual For manual  SQL injection Query we need laptop / PC,  back track (OS) , havij or Kali,

Remove WordPress Memory Size Exhausted Error (php Memory Limit)

Remove WordPress Memory Size Exhausted Error Remove WordPress Memory Size Exhausted Error Are you seeing an allowed memory size exhausted error in WordPress? This is one of the most common WordPress errors, and you can easily fix it by increasing the php memory limit in WordPress. In this article, we will show you how to fix WordPress memory exhausted error by increasing PHP memory. What is WordPress Memory Exhausted Error? WordPress is written in PHP, which is a server-side programming language. Every website needs a WordPress hosting server for it to function properly. Web servers are just like any other computer. They need memory to efficiently run multiple applications at the same time. Server administrators allocate specific memory size to different applications including PHP. When your WordPress code requires more memory than the default allocated memory, you get to see this error. 1 Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 2348617 bytes) i

Wannalocker: Android Users Wanna'Cry'

Wannalocker: Android Users Wanna'Cry'. After the terror we saw with the dangerous Wannacry ransomware, another ransomware is on play. Unlike the wannacry, those ransomware is specialized for infecting android phones. Although, now the attack is spread only among Chinese users. Connection to Wannacry When it infects, the message screen coming by may scare you. Because it has a most familiar look we all saw presently. That’s why it is called as a Copycat of Wannacry Ransomware. Also the security company Avast named it as “wannalocker”. But the point is, the ransomware could spread havoc among the infected people and it can easily get famous. Only the name is enough, WANNACRY. We can understand that the attacker expects a quicker transfer of money. That might be the reason why the attacker decided to design the message screen display to look alike wannacry. [caption id="attachment_3655" align="aligncenter" width="422"] wannalocker display photo: avas

Britney Spears' Instagram Used By Russian Hacker Group

The social media giants like Instagram, which is on its way to hitting a billion users this years, surely have a number of harmless comments posted each day. But, will be there some occasional moments when some clever hacker posts some comments that instructing a malware how to get in touch with its controllers or servers?! A latest report says a Big yes! The Slovakian security company ESET said on Tuesday that a Russian espionage hacker group called, Turla has created such cleverly hidden comment. The interesting thing is that it was on the popular American singer Britney spears. Instagram comments on the American singer just got used to store the location of a C&C server (command & control server) of the 'Turla' hackers. The shocking operation was made by using a Mozilla firefox extension, in which a hidden backdoor in it. The team said it is one of the tool owned by the group, which is believed to be funded by the Russian government. Off course, The singer might not

Carding Credit Card Hacking Full Explain

Carding Credit Card Hacking Full Explain Carding Credit Card Hacking [caption id="attachment_3659" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Carding Credit Card Hacking Full Explain[/caption] Carding Credit Card Hacking I had posted some posts about credit card hacking or generally known as carding, but I never try to well explain them, I was really enough busy in posting tutorial instead of explaining the basic of carding. So today I am trying to give you a well intro to carding as well as explaining all term related to carding. " Use Socks 5 In Carding" Please don’t be lazy! try to read all if you don’t want to be fooled by other in future Don't forget to read full post. Note From Admin: We need a 20 Author for this website, who have previously write a for any WordPress or blogger blog & have a knowledge of how to write post in blog, we pay to every Author. We pay 60 Rupees for every 20 post. If you are interested in writing a posts for this

Top Indian Hackers You Should Know

Top Indian Hackers Top Indian Hackers  Computer hackers are almost always celebrated, whether they fall in the ‘black’ or ‘white’ side of the law. But you rarely get to hear about Indian hackers in our own media. And especially when these hackers are decisively helping organizations and governments in positive ways they ought to be celebrated. Here are 11 best Indian hackers we all should know of. 1. Rahul Tyagi [caption id="attachment_16103" align="aligncenter" width="613"] Top Indian Hackers[/caption] Rahul Tyagi | Source: twitte Aside from being an expert on breaking and entering computers Rahul Tyagi is also an author and a talented actor. With over a hundred training sessions under his belt this guy is as versatile as it gets. 2. Pranav Mistry [caption id="attachment_16104" align="aligncenter" width="610"] Top Indian Hackers[/caption] Source: This hacker extraordinaire is also famous for the invention of

20 Best Hacking Apps For Android - Part 4

Best Hacking Apps For Android - Part 4 This is the last part of 4 post series on the post '20 best Hacking Apps For Android'. Read Previous Parts  Part - 1  | Part - 2 | Part-3 Disclaimer: "The Content inside the post is only for educational purposes. we are not responsible if anyone misuses it." 1.Shark for root [caption id="attachment_3538" align="aligncenter" width="388"] Shark For Root[/caption] Shark For Root is an android version of wireshark for security experts and hackers. It is basically a traffic sniffer which works on WiFi, 3G and FroYo tethered mode. The app is based on tcpdump, so you can use tcpdump commands on this android version. Root access must be required. [sociallocker][button color="" size="" type="square" target="" link=""]Download Link[/button][/sociallocker] 2.SSLStrip for Android(Roo

What Is DoS Attack ? Types Of DoS Attack ?

What Is DoS Attack What is DoS Attack  DOS is an attack used to deny legitimate users access to a resource such as accessing a website, network, emails, etc. or making it extremely slow. DoS is the acronym for  D enial  o f Service . This type of attack is usually implemented by hitting the target resource such as a web server with too many requests at the same time. This results in the server failing to respond to all the requests. The effect of this can either be crashing the servers or slowing them down. THIS POST ONLY FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES TRY ON OWN RISK ASK2GURUJI NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES OR ANY ELLIGIAL ACTIVITY Cutting off some business from the internet can lead to significant loss of business or money. The internet and computer networks power a lot of businesses. Some organizations such as payment gateways , e-commerce sites entirely depend on the internet to do business. In this tutorial, we will introduce you to what denial of service attack is, how it is performe